Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a physical store?
Yes, we have two physical stores to serve you. One is located in the Bloor St. West Area in Toronto @ 2100 Bloor St. West unit 5B and the other is located in the downtown Oakville area @315 Lakeshore Rd. unit 5.
What makes your store different than any other children's footwear store?
We are pleased to offer you a wide selection of the finest brands from around the world. We are also here to assist you, as you see fit, make the selections that are best for you and your child. Additionally, we try our very best to ensure that you are always completely satisfied with your purchase. We guarantee that you will be satisfied, or we will take your purchase back!
I am reading more and more about chemical free footwear, what does that mean?
Manufacturers that use leather often purchase raw materials that are stiff and hard to work with, however, more economical to purchase. By dousing them in chemicals, they are able to soften the leather to be at a manufacturing tolerable level. This of course is not ideal for any foot.
Additionally, chemicals are present in glues and adhesive product to make footwear and unfortunately, not all are both environmentally friendly or end user safe.
We go through a meticulous process in asking our vendors to be transparent with their manufacturing process and ensure that no harsh chemicals are being used in the production of their footwear. This includes the use of Chrome and Nickel, common elements in the less regulated footwear industry.
Why should babies wear crib shoes?
Although it is important to leave a baby’s feet bare as much as possible to develop their tactile skills, it is also helpful to have a soft, flexible shoe that mimics the human foot which also serves in protecting them.
Why Leather?
Leather is naturally porous and allows for feet to breathe all while allowing for a natural and soft movement of the feet.
How fast do kids shoe sizes change?
Children grow quickly and their feet grow an average of 2 or 3 sizes each year.
How to determine the right size?
It is best to measure a foot at the end of the day as the foot is subject to a type of structural relaxation which causes the foot to lengthen a little. The younger one is, the more difference millimeters make in the correct size. Using an appropriate measuring tool measure each foot while the child is standing. It is recommended for the exact size to be worn by the child as a shoe that is too big for future growth can be detrimental to the propel development of their gait.
How does the material of the outer sole affect the way a shoe performs?
Providing an anti slip sole is crucial to developing confidence in the early walkers. Materials such Gum rubber and EVA provide the anti slip properties necessary without adding unnecessary weight.
Can shoes be recycled?
Most experts agree that since the original child has left their foot imprint on the shoe, it is not recommended that shoes be passed down to others as it can affect the way the new owner of the shoes develops their stride.
Can shoes be washed in the washing machine?
Even though technology has evolved, subjecting a well-crafted pair of shoes to the rigorous experience of machine washing is not recommended. Having stated that, there are specific footwear that can withstand the machine-washing cycles and these styles will always be indicated as such by the manufacturer.
How can I clean my shoes?
Depending on the material of the upper, apply the correct cream or balm to remove any dirt and avoid applying a protective coating as it will remove the breathability properties. Typically, using a fine concentration of soap and water on the soles is appropriate.
Can shoes go in the dryer?
Simply put, no they cannot. Heat is not a friend, and it will drastically shorten the lifespan of your footwear.
Laces or Velcro?
The ease of Velcro is extremely appealing and provides not only the parent with less headaches but also the early walker as they look to build their confidence in placing on their own shoes. With that said, there is simply no replacing the support and fit that laces provide in footwear. Laces also tend to keep their esthetically pleasing appeal longer than Velcro.

“We find buying shoes for parents is almost as daunting as taking kids to the dentist. So we try to remove all of that by doing the homework for the parents and being able to provide them with solutions."
- Luis Roldan, Founder of Bambino Fine Shoes